Tillamook PUD ATC 20 and 45 Training
Tillamook PUD is hosting a seminar for ATC-20 Postearthquake Saftey Evaluation of Buildings (second edition) and ATC-45 Safety Evaluation of Buildings after Windstorms and Floods. The seminar training is scheduled for Wednesday, August 29, 2018, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. in the Carl Rawe Meeting room at the Tillamook PUD headquarters office.
The cost per attendee is $50, lunch and training materials will be provided. The training is open to members of the public. Please contact Tillamook PUD Engineering Manager, KC Fagen, by Monday, August 6, 2018, if you would like to attend the course. KC can be reached by phone at 503.815.8628 or email at [email protected].
The training instructor is Edwin Huston, S.E. (WA, CA, HI, OR, NV, UT), P.E. (AK, NM) from Smith & Huston, Inc. in Seattle Washington. For more information about the content of the training, please visit their website.