December 29, 2022 Outage Update – As of 11:25 a.m.
12/29/22 Outage Update as of 11:25 a.m.
There are currently 318 customers without power in the area.
Crews currently working the the areas of:
Big Trout RD, Wilson River HWY (from MP 11 to the Forestry Center) and the Blaine area.
There are scattered outages in the area as well in the following locations:
North Tillamook County
Tohl Ranch RD, McDonald RD Nehalem RD, Indian Gap RD, Necarney City RD, Elk Trail DR, Peerless LP, Crestview LN, Ocean RD, Fish Hatchery LN, Barview area.
Central Tillamook County
Diercks RD, Hobsonville Point.
South Tillamook County
Cape Lookout, Blanchard RD, Upper Nestucca RV RD.
If you do not currently have power and you are not listed, please call us at 503-842-2535.