Pay Your Bill & Payment Options
We offer several ways for you to pay your electric bill.
Online Payments
You can pay online using SmartHub. Click on SmartHub and follow the directions on the screen. You’ll need your Email address, and password or your Tillamook PUD account number to make a new account, which can be found on your bill. You can use a debit card, MasterCard or VISA. You can also pay from your checking account. You’ll need your account number and the bank routing number found on the bottom of your checks.
Paperless Billing
We offer paperless billing, an online resource that allows you to manage your account at your convenience, anytime, anywhere.
To sign up:
- Go to SmartHub
- Enter your Email Address
- Enter your Password
- Click on the My Profile Button
- Click on the Update My Printed Bill Settings
- Click Turn off/on Printed Bill.
- A Confirmation of choice will be emailed to you
Budget Billing
You may qualify for our Budget Payment Plan if you have good credit with us and you’ve lived in the same home for more than a year. With the Budget Payment Plan, we estimate the cost of your next 12 months electric service and average that cost for a monthly payment. Your monthly bill will indicate the budget payment amount and also the actual energy used and its cost.
Auto Pay
With Auto Pay you choose to automatically pay your monthly bill directly from your bank account or with a debit card, Visa or MasterCard. Many customers choose this option and combine it with Budget Billing to make their monthly payment predictable. If you would like to sign up for this option, please contact the office to receive an Auto Pay form.
Credit or Debit
We take VISA or MasterCard, or your debit card.
Drop Box, Drive-Through, Office Counter or Phone
Our office is conveniently located at 1115 Pacific Avenue in Tillamook. Our friendly office staff is available to process your payment if you use our drive-up window, come into our office, or call over the phone Monday through Thursday, 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM. A drop box is available if you make your payment outside those hours.
To sign up for Budget Billing or Auto Pay or to get more information on any of our bill payment options, call (503) 842–2535 or (800) 422–2535, or email us.