Rate Schedules

The most frequently used rates are listed below. Schedules for Large Power, Time of Use, Street Lighting and others are available upon request.Tillamook People's Utility District

Residential, Seasonal & Small Farm

Basic Charge $42.00 per month
All Energy 8.00 cents per kWh

General Service

Schedule G-2

Basic charge Single Phase $36.00 per month
Three Phase $57.40 per month
First 12,000 kWh 7.46 cents per kWh
Over 12,000 kWh 5.31 cents per kWh
Demand: First 30 kW No Charge
Over 30 kW (all months) $4.83 per kW

Area Lighting

LED Lighting $9.00 per month

Green Power

Percentage of All Energy Used in a Billing Period Additional Cost per kWh
10% $0.002 per kWh
25% $0.005 per kWh
50% $0.010 per kWh
100% $0.020 per kWh


Effective 5/1/2024