Hebo Line System Rebuild Project
The District is working on a project to replace poles and lines near Hebo in South Tillamook County. This project will help reinforce the power system for the Nestucca and Neskowin areas.
JUNE 2017
The first section of the line located from the Cedar Creek Road area along Highway 22 west into Hebo is currently under construction. The lines along Highway 101 South from Hebo to Cloverdale are scheduled to be rebuilt later this summer. The project is anticipated to be completed in the fall of 2017.
JULY 2017
The first section of the line located from the Cedar Creek Road area along Highway 22 west into Hebo is complete. The lines along Highway 101 South from Hebo are currently under construction. The final section of line into Cloverdale is scheduled to be rebuilt this fall. The project is on schedule and anticipated to be completed in the fall of 2017.
The construction work along Highway 22 is complete. Construction work is currently taking place along Highway 101, south of Highway 22 to Cloverdale. The estimated date of completion is October 2017.
October 2017
The job has been completed. Tillamook PUD now has a strong connection between our two southernmost substations, Hebo and Nestucca. This connection provides an alternative option if one substation is out of service.