Meter Replacement Project

The system-wide meter replacement project concluded on June 4, 2019, with a total of 16,584 meters being replaced.

The project was anticipated to continue through the 2019 summer months, however, it was completed ahead of schedule in just under six months.

Below is information about the project and the updated meters that were installed.

Electric Meter Replacement Project Overview

Tillamook PUD works diligently to make improvements and maintain our system so we can continue to provide safe, reliable and competitively priced electricity to our customers and community. Over a decade ago, we made the decision to convert our existing electromechanical meters to an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meter system. Through the years, the capabilities of our AMI system have become imperative to the operation of our growing utility, and our ability to provide a high level of service to our customers.

Because our AMI metering system plays such a significant role in our utility, the necessity to maintain it is essential. When our current AMI meters began to show signs of deterioration due to age, a team of staff assembled to research the available meter technology in preparation for a system-wide meter replacement project.

Why did Tillamook PUD replace our meters?

Electric service meters are similar to many types of electronic devices and equipment in that, normal wear and tear from use over time, and length of time used, make it necessary for a replacement to ensure the equipment is operating safely and properly.

In addition, the availability of newer, more robust technology, lead us to consider how we can be proactive and stay ahead of increasing failure rates and prevent disruption of service to our valued customers.

What type of meter do I have?

New ACLARA I-210+ UMT Meter
New ACLARA I-210+ UMT Meter

The meters installed at residential service locations are the ACLARA I-210+ Class 200 with a Universal Monitoring Transponder (UMT). Like our previous meters, these meters communicate using Power Line Carrier (PLC) technology, NOT radio frequency (RF). This allows Tillamook PUD to receive energy usage data through a secure transmission along existing power lines.

What is different about my new UMT meter?

The new ACLARA UMT meters have the ability to assess voltage more frequently and accurately, which will help Tillamook PUD better regulate system voltage, increasing operating efficiency.

Who replaced my meter?

Electric Utility ServicesDuring the project, Tillamook PUD contracted with Electrical Utility Services (EUS) to replace all single phase 200 amp meters in our system.





Meter Replacement Procedures Video

Review the below video to find out more about how electric meter replacements are completed.